Monday 9 November 2009

Tenerife Guanche Mummy

It has been reported that efforts by the Tenerife authorities to have the mummified remains on a native Guanche returned to the island for permanent display in a museum have been turned down again.  The Spanish government has turned down the application on the ground that moving the fragile mummy from Madrid to Tenerife to too high a risk to take - although the culture minister - Angeles Gonzalez - has agreed that its home should be in the Canary Islands.  The remains were discovered in a cave near Guimar.

However, the Tenerife authorities have not given up their fight to get the remains returned even though they have been in Madrid since the end of the 18th century.

Guimar is famous for its pyramids - known as the Piramides de Guimar.  Built by the Guanches, they were once dismissed as piles of stones heaped by local farmers who were clearing the land.  However, upon closer inspection by archeologists 3 pyramidal constructions were revealed - each at least 100m long - which had been carefully built, arranged in large steps, with a smaller staircase climbing to a ceremonial platform on top.

Now carefully rebuilt to what is thought to be their original form, a platform and series of walkways allow visitors to inspect the pyramids - there's no climbing allowed.

If you would like to stay in Guimar and visit the pyramids we can arrange accommodation and/or flights for you.

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