Thursday 10 June 2010

Selva Herb Fair in Mallorca

If you are on your Mallorca holidays, take a trip to Selva [approximately 3km north of Inca] on the 12/13 June where you will find the Fira de ses Herbes [Herb Fair].

This is an exhibition of medicinal plants with details on how they are collected and used.   People in Selva have collected and used wild herbs for medicine, cosmetics, cookery, magic and to adorn their festivals for many, many years. 

This festival began in 2000 and over the weekend you will find exhibitions, tasting of traditional good and drink, demonstrations and on the Sunday you will be able to purchase products related to the herbs.   The main event of the weekend is the collection of wild myrtle from the mountains which is then brought into the town in order to make Agua de Murta - myrtle water.  This was used in medieval times as an astringent and antiseptic.

You will find the houses, streets and squares of Selva decorated with herbs, plants and hand painted banners which relate to a group of 6 characters from traditional Mallorcan folklore and each character is connected to a particular herb.  Each character is accompanied by Pau and Rosa [the Selva giants] and children dressed as demons.   The first dance will take place at midnight on Saturday and involves fire, smoke and explosions.  The second dance is held on the Sunday morning at about 10:30 to welcome in the myrtle and each character does a separate dance accompanied by live music.

Corona Holidays can offer you accommodation in the vicinity - just give us a call or
send an enquiry.

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