Saturday 28 November 2009

Las Palmas - Big Wheel

You may remember us talking about Las Palmas in Gran Canaria being an earmarked site for a giant wheel - simar to the London Eye.  Now, Las Palmas Council has been urged to make a decision, or risk losing funds. 

Back in the summer, the Council announced that the wheel was to be located in the heart of Las Palmas with the hope that it would increase the city's appeal to tourists.  However, it would appear that plans have "gone cold" and the grant of Euros 50,000 which has been set aside, may be withdrawn in the next few weeks if the site of the wheel is not decided upon.

The delay has, however, been caused by the need for detailed technical studies which will reveal if the site initally chosen will be able to support the weight of the 60m wheel.   We will bring you news as soon as a final decision has been made.
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