Monday 8 February 2010

Tenerife Carnival - Santa Cruz

With the election of the Carnival Queen on the 10 February, the Santa Cruz Carnival officially Starts on Friday 12 February with the opening parade, or "Cabalgata" and Coso Apotheosis on the 16 February will see many thousands of people gathering in the streets of Santa Cruz.  

The "burial of the sardine" on the 18 February formally brings the Carnival to an end, although the Day Carnival on the following weekend will officially close the events. 

So what is the burial of the sardine?  This takes place on Ash Wednesday and comprises a procession with a huge model fish which is finally cremated.  On the same day, you will see the local people change from their colourful costumes into black as a sign of mourning.  This all makes for an inconsolable but comical atmosphere!  So if you are on your Tenerife holiday and are in Santa Cruz then take advantage of Carnival time.

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